3 research outputs found

    L'accesso ai servizi in cloud per la crescita digitale. Un'esperienza nazionale: la Regione Marche

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    L’analisi delle politiche pubbliche in materia di agenda digitale e dei contesti socio-economici ed imprenditoriali del territorio rafforza l’idea che il progetto Marche Cloud e le iniziative per la crescita digitale e l’innovazione ICT perseguite dalla Regione Marche, nella programmazione 2014-2020, possano contribuire al potenziamento del tessuto produttivo marchigiano, in linea con i processi di trasformazione economica in atto a livello globale

    A cloud-based solution for public administrations: The experience of the Regione Marche

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    Cloud computing is perceived as the next wave of ICT, and many real experiences are on the commercial scene. However this kind of architecture has open legal issues which makes it an endeavor for Public Administrations, despite its potential impact on the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of administrative initiatives. In the present paper we present the experience made in the deployment of a Cloud solution in the Regione Marche Local Public Administration, which represents one of the pilot experiences at Nationallevel

    Prototyping a Cloud Ecosystem for a Regional Public Administration

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    In this paper we present the lessons learned in the deployment of a Cloud solution in the Marche Region Local Public Administration, which represents one of the pilot experiences at National level. The MarcheCloud (MCloud) pilot Project, started in mid-2012 as a joint collaboration among the Marche Region, National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), University of Camerino and Polytechnic University of Marche